Independent Living Services - Change this value to a strong SEO phrase
Independent Living Core Services
A. Information and Referral Services;
information source on disability and community resources, including but not limited to: personal assistance, housing, employment, consumer rights, peer support, transportation, and recreation.
B. Independent Living Skills Training;
may include instruction to develop independent living skills in areas such as personal care, coping, financial management, social skills, and household management. This may also include education and training necessary for living in the community and participating in community activities.
C. Peer Counseling (including cross-disability peer counseling);
counseling, teaching, information sharing, and similar kinds of contact provided to consumers by other people with disabilities
D. Individual and Systems Advocacy
assistance and / or representation in obtaining access to benefits, services, and programs to which a consumer may be entitled; and
E. Transition Services that:
a. facilitate the transition of individuals with significant disabilities from nursing homes and other institutions to home and community-based residences, with the requisite supports and services;
b. provide assistance to individuals with significant disabilities who are at risk of entering institutions so that the individuals may remain in the community; and
c. facilitates the transition of youth who are individuals with significant disabilities who were eligible for individualized education programs under section 614(d) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S. C. 1414(d)), and who have completed their secondary education or otherwise left school, to post-secondary life.
Funded by Texas Health & Human Services Commission – Administration for Community Living