Category: Announcements -
CBCIL Offices Extend Closure until April 30th
CBCIL is extending the closure of all CBCIL office locations through Thursday, April 30th in response to a recent order issued by Nueces County Judge Canales and consistent with guidance provided by Federal, State and local…
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line
If you or someone you know is feeling overwhelmed by the COVID-19 pandemic,help is available. Please click on this link to view full handout.
Emergency Preparedness Listening Session
The federal Administration on Community Living is traveling to Texas and California to receive direct input from individuals with disabilities, seniors, families, caregivers and service providers about their experiences during…
DNSU- 9th Edition
DNSU has a new look! Check out the new and improved DNSU-DO NOT SHUT UP newsletter! Feel free to share our post! To include people of varying abilities, our newsletter…
REV UP!!! National Disability Voter Registration Week July 15th – 19th
Celebrating National Disability Voter Registration Week July 15-19, 2019 REV UP! Register, Educate, Vote, Use Your Power is a national effort to increase the number of people with disabilities who are…